Tuesday, September 13, 2011


That is the sound my days are making as they fly by...

Still lots left to do to prepare for 'My Very Great Adventure' but things are coming together.

I have my passport now. Hurray!

Have done a bit of research on Henley-on-Thames and the surrounding towns. Located a wonderful health food co-op True Food Community Co-operative (http://www.truefood.coop/ ) in Emmer Green not far away by bus. It is a relief to know I will be able to get the quality of products I am used to using in my every day life. Of course there will likely be plenty of health food stores/co-ops, but i'm glad to know of one for when I get there.

Still continuing with the never-ending ending here at my home, but I am getting there. It will surely be something to celebrate when I am done and moved out. Bittersweet... because there is a degree of sadness too. Such is life.

until next time-