Monday, December 26, 2011

Put up Your Dukes...

It is Boxing Day here in England!

I actually have no real idea what boxing day is all about... lets see if I can find something about it that I can pass along...

That website explains it for kids... and thats about where my level of understanding is right now too...

From what I gather, it seems that it has evolved from several different traditions, all of which had something in common...

a box!

Hence the name "boxing day".

Go figure.

Essentially, I think all those nice traditions have been forgotten for the most part and Boxing Day has emerged as pretty much a big shopping day when many stores have "sales" much like the day after Thanksgiving in the US.

I hear the word boxing though and  it immediately brings to my mind the "sport" of boxing.

And from the news today, it looks like there are those here in England who have put on there boxing gloves...

figuratively speaking that is.

Train drivers and London tube drivers are holding a 24 hour strike causing major disruption to travelers here today. You can read this article from the Guardian about it:

So glad I was not traveling today!!!

Looks like I don't want to be traveling on January 16th either. Or February 3rd or 13th. Shall we take bets on whether I will remember that... or not?

Yawn... I have done essentially nothing today and cannot seem to keep my eyes open. Guess i'll call it a day even though I am wondering...wondering...wondering what is going on with Alanna (and Jacob) and whether or not that new great neice has made her entrance into the world yet?!

Maybe she is on strike?

Guess I will find that out tomorrow...

love, susie

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